The team of Proofreaders at LPO works at length on legal proofreading, thesis proofreading, and website proofreading. A proofreading consists of reviewing text or highlighting the text or phrase to be amended and checking for formatting and other errors. This may be done either against an original document or without checking against any other source. LPO’s proofreading team handles simple editing duties like checking for grammar and consistency.
We have a very valuable employee whose main skill is comparing typed documents to hard copies to ensure that no mistakes were made. Someone who can proof every letter and every number against the original without missing anything. Such a skill is essential when comparing, say, analytical results in the laboratory records to those typed into a report.
LPO’s Proofreading services include:
* Checking and correcting Spellings.
* Making grammatical changes.
* Ensuring consistency in typefaces throughout the document.
* Ensuring correct and consecutive numbering of various elements such as Page numbers.
* Checking for formatting errors.
* Verifying table of contents with elements such as titles and subtitles.
* Verifying the appropriateness of in-text displays
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